Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day

Back to school today, nothing interesting really happened. But I did reread my last post, and I realized how I completely went off.. And I apologize. I shouldn't have done that. I guess I was just a bit more upset than I thought I was. But later on in the evening, Ryne and I were texting. He asked me if i missed whatever it is that we 'had', and I just told him that I missed the CLOSENESS we had. (Closeness as in- talking all the time, just hanging out.. etc) And he said so does he, which made me smile inside. And then I straight up asked him if he still liked me, and he said "A littlee." Which, I wasn't too surprised. I guess I already knew that, deep down. But i was kind of baffled on what to say in reply, so I just said "Hm, okay" And after that, (i think i upset him a little, not saying i liked him too..but i wasn't going to lie) But he started talking about all these girls he's been talking to lately, the girls he met up with at the mall last week, and this one girl that was supposed to call him last night that is apparently 'SO HOTT' and he said it'd be sweet if they could date. I laughed at the fact that he seemed to purposely be trying to make me jealous, and how it totally wasn't working. I sat there texting him for a while, actually encouraging all of this and telling him how girl crazy he is, in a goofy way.
Today at school was a little bit awkward around him, just because of all that's been going on lately. But things were way better than yesterday at church. We said 'hi' in the halls and even had a little bit of a conversation at one point. Things are finally starting to look up for our friendship again... Yay! :D

Fight AIDS Pictures, Images and Photos

But enough about Ryne, i'm totally sick of talking about boys. Haha on to the title of my post...
Today is World AIDS Day!!! I didn't realize this until a few minutes ago, when I went on Google to search a couple things for school.. So I didn't really get to promote AIDS awareness in my school. But there's still time left for YOU GUYS to promote it!! So get up & get out and SUPPORT these groups!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

First off, thanks for the comment. :)

And I swore off that my friend was a head case [not really] for even trying to attempt to go through the madness. xD I think my mom only stayed an hour before decideding a enough was enough. And today is Cyber Monday which means I get good sales online! So far, I've checked into BCBG and Anthropologie and found that they have really good sales. xD

Haha, I'm always the first one awoken up as well. Though my favorite thing about Christmas is the anticipation leading to the actual day. Then when I open the presents, have the feast, spend time with family, and go to church. The day goes by so abruptly, that I wish I could stop time and relive it all again.

Ah, go ahead, I'm stopping you from taking the idea. xD It's fun to hear about other traditions people have.

I think I've been so hyped about college life is because my brother is visiting colleges at the moment, he's a junior, and he's been filling out applications. And I think his stress has reflected of me.

Bah, I like making really pretty banners and such. :) I don't know!


I think once we're out of a relationship we miss the bond, the time spent together and talking about intellectual things. Making someone jealous is never cool. =\ At least you didn't fall for it. Hopefully the friendship between you two can be mended and rekindled. xD

Really, today is Aids Day? I never knew that is was! -checks internet- Ah, I might be able to support some groups of mine on Facebook, and also one at my High School. I think it's really nice to do that.

By the way, I like the new background! xD